Wellington Intensive Care Unit

Te Rui Atawhai

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Third Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course

The fifth Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course will be held in Wellington Regional Hospital over 3 days from Wednesday 29th April to Friday 1st May 2015.


Chris is an Intensivist & educator at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. As a passionate educator, he has helped pioneer the Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) movement both through Life In The Fast Lane & as an enthusiastic twitterphile. He is a co-founder of the now legendary SMACC conferences.
Paul is an Intensivist at Wellington Regional Hospital. He is a plethoric trialist with several multicentre intensive care studies completed that aim to challenge the dogma of what we do. His most recent work includes the HEAT & SPLIT trials. He has a rare ability to explain complex statistical methods in a way that even the dumbest individual can understand.
Jeremy is a Senior Staff Specialist in Intensive Care at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in Queensland. He has an interest in the use of simulation for teaching crisis management, is an Associate Editor for the Monitor journal and is an examiner for the College of Intensive Care Medicine.
David is a General Physician at Wellington Regional Hospital who dual trained in Intensive Care. Along with Jeremy Fernando, his study notes in everything from undergraduate medicine to critical care ultrasound to the FCICM have been downloaded thousands of times from the Wellington ICU website. He is both an avid educator & eloquent speaker.
Jeremy is an Anaesthetist & Intensive Care Specialist at Rockhampton Hospital in Queensland. He is both a graduate and organiser of previous Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Courses. His study notes in both Anaesthesia and Intensive Care have become legendary texts amongst New Zealand trainees and his enthusiasm for education is unbounded.
Emma is an Intensivist at the Hawke’s Bay Hospital in New Zealand. She is a prevocational educational supervisor for the MCNZ & co-founded the online learning resources for new doctors that is NZREM. She is a keen professional educator & podcaster.
The Kiwi faculty consists of New Zealand intensivists invited for their passion for teaching. Some are also graduates of previous year's courses who have recently achieved success in the Fellowship exam.

The national faculty includes David Knight (Christchurch ICU), Ywain Lawrey (North Shore ICU), Laurence Walker (Auckland CVICU), Fiona Miles (Starship PICU), and Louise Trent (Hawke’s Bay ICU). Local
Wellington Intensivists include Chris Poynter (course convener), Alex Psirides, Ben Barry, Shawn Sturland, Caroline Murphy (co-convener) & Kate Tietjens. Brendan Arnold also joins us from the Infectious Diseases department.
Cognitive & Behavioural Therapy

The New Zealand faculty also includes Dr.Elliot Bell, a Clinical Psychologist from Otago University.
He will lecture on the cognitive & behavioural aspects of exam preparation & technique and provide video viva analysis for each Stream 1 candidate (see below) to help optimise individual exam performance.

The course is run in two parallel streams to meet the different needs of candidates either side of the written exam:
  • Stream 1 exposes candidates to timed, exam condition, hot case & viva scenarios with some tutorial adjuncts. It is targeted at preparation for the oral & clinical component of the Fellowship exam.
  • Stream 2 is based on interactive tutorials & short answer question practice combined with observation of Stream 1. It is targeted at earlier exam preparation with a heavier focus on the written component of the Fellowship exam.


We advise applying for Stream 1 if you are taking the written exam in the first sitting of 2015. Places in Stream 1 will be prioritised for such candidates.
All registrants for Stream 1 will be asked to provide proof of exam registration closer to the course. If you wish to change to Stream 2 at a later date we cannot guarantee a place will still be available. Please think carefully about your choice of stream before applying.

Course costs are outlined below. Payment details will be sent after registration.
The costs of both streams are equal to remove a dependency on industry sponsorship.
Payment can be made by cheque, direct bank transfer or credit card online (suitable for international candidates).

STREAM 1: Post-Written Exam
Lectures + Hot Cases + Vivas


STREAM 2: Pre-Written Exam
Lectures + Observing Stream 1


All fees include morning tea & lunch as well as the course dinner with the faculty at a Wellington restaurant.


To keep candidate costs to a minimum and still allow an international faculty of some repute, the course is only possible due to generous funding from ANZICS New Zealand. This also allows us to minimise commercial sponsorship and ensure the course is relevant & focused on the needs of those sitting the exam. We are very grateful for their continued support and financial assistance in running this course.

The 2015 Course Timetable is now available below:
(Click to download PDF)

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More information on previous WICM courses including the syllabi & details of previous invited speakers can be found here.

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This page was last updated on Friday, 01 June 2018 13:12:38
