Wellington Intensive Care Unit

Te Rui Atawhai



ICU Stethoscope
Wellington ICU employs up to 4 Senior Registrars (SRs) & 16 Registrars (RMOs) for a minimum run of 6 months duration. There are no House Officer or Senior House Officer positions available in our unit. We employ doctors with a variety of experience from relatively junior (a few years post-graduation) to senior (post-fellowship or consultant in another specialty). Our roster allows us to match junior & senior staff so the former will have a more senior colleague with them at all times. Our consultants are also immediately available 24/7.

Previous ICU experience is desirable but not mandatory. All international applicants must be eligible for New Zealand Medical Council registration & a New Zealand work visa.

Job start and end dates are aligned with New Zealand national Registrar runs with each 6 month rotation beginning at the start of February and August each year.

International applicants should note that the national New Zealand changeover dates are not aligned with Australian or UK start and end dates.

If you are interested in applying directly for a job in our ICU, please use the orange button to the right. Most positions are allocated 6 months to 1 year in advance although occasionally a last-minute vacancy may be available. All applications are considered for shortlisting with selected candidates interviewed either in person in Wellington or by telephone, Skype or Zoom.

We are one the largest Intensive Care training units in New Zealand with more trainees registered with the College of Intensive Care Medicine than any other New Zealand ICU.

To support this large number of trainees we have a busy active teaching programme.
In recent years this, the Wellington Intensive Care Medicine course, and the quality of hands-on experience and availability of senior supervision has ensured that trainees sitting the Australasian Fellowship of Intensive Care Medicine have achieved a pass rate close to 95% on their first sitting.


  • Senior Registrar positions are preferentially offered to senior trainees who have passed or are studying for the Fellowship of the College of Intensive Care Medicine (FCICM) Part II exam. The SR run includes rostered 24-hour-on-call periods (under Consultant supervision) with time also assigned for non-clinical duties including study & research. As such it is viewed as a ‘Consultant in training’ job for those of appropriate seniority. It meets the College of Intensive Care Medicine requirements for an SR role and is also compliant with the New Zealand Resident Doctor’s Association Multi-Employer Collective Agreement by negotiation, subject to ongoing review.

The full Run Description containing more details, responsibilities and a description of the SR roster can be viewed & downloaded HERE.

  • Registrar positions are split between Anaesthesia trainees requiring Intensive Care module training, Emergency Medicine trainees, and Intensive Care Medicine trainees who are registered with the College of Intensive Care Medicine. Anaesthesia & Emergency Medicine trainees are usually rotated through ICU from their primary training units within the greater Wellington region. Positions are occasionally also available for Surgical & Medical trainees & are allocated directly by the ICU department. Most registrars are required to have completed at least 2 years of post-graduate training prior to applying for an ICU position.

The full Run Description containing more details, responsibilities and a description of the registrar roster can be viewed & downloaded HERE.

Both positions also provide doctors for the adult Flight Retrieval Service staffed from the Intensive Care Unit.

More information about the support we provide to trainees can be found from the links to the right.

Training Recognition

Wellington ICU is one of only four New Zealand adult ICUs recognised for 24 months of advanced training (C24) by the College of Intensive Care Medicine and exceeds the recommendations for final-year training in a Fellow/Senior Registrar position.

Registrar runs are also recognised for training by the:

NZRDA logo

New Zealand Resident Doctors Association Compliance

All Wellington ICU Registered Medical Officer (RMO) jobs are NZRDA MECA compliant.

As both Registrar and Senior Registrar positions are fully rostered, they are paid at run Category C with an average 38.8 hours worked per week over the length of the 6 month run.

The following costs will be refunded by Capital & Coast District Health Board:
All meals are provided free of charge during rostered shifts.
Annual, study, parental and sick leave are as stated in the NZRDA MECA.

Please click on the College logo or use the 'Related Links' menu above to access a College website.

This page was last updated on Monday, 13 March 2023 15:46:52


Dr. Kate Tietjens (Recruitment) and the Clinical Leaders are responsible for interviewing & appointing to ICU Registrar/SR posts.
