These 355 mind maps were developed by Wellington ICU's Dr.Paul Young as a study aid for the Fellowship of the College of Intensive Care Medicine and cover most of the college curriculum.
They have since gone on to be used by Wellington trainees studying for the part II exam.
They are offered here as a free educational aid for others studying for Intensive Care exams & are provided without guarantee or liability.

Please click on the named link below to view or download the appropriate mind map.
- ARDS.pdf
- Abdominal Trauma Assessment.pdf
- Abdominal USS.pdf
- Abdominal X-Ray.pdf
- Abnormal Ventilator Waveforms.pdf
- Acidosis In Renal Disease.pdf
- Acinetobacter.pdf
- Acute Coronary Syndromes.pdf
- Acute Pancreatitis.pdf
- Acute Renal Failure.pdf
- Acute Right Ventricular Dysfunction.pdf
- Additional Indices In Analysis Of Metabolic Acidosis.pdf
- Adjunctive Respiratory Therapies.pdf
- Adjunctive Therapies To Improve Oxygenation & Ventilation.pdf
- Adrenal Insufficiency In Sepsis & Septic Shock.pdf
- Adrenocortical Insufficiency.pdf
- Aetiology Of Specific Infections.pdf
- Air Embolism.pdf
- Airway Maintenance & Bag Mask Ventilation.pdf
- Airway Obstruction.pdf
- Airway Problems In Pregnancy.pdf
- Alcohol Withdrawal.pdf
- Alcoholic Ketoacidosis.pdf
- Aminoglycosides.pdf
- Amniotic Fluid Embolism.pdf
- Anaemia & Transfusion In Critical Illness.pdf
- Anaphylaxis.pdf
- Angioedema.pdf
- Antibiotic Allergy.pdf
- Antidotes.pdf
- Antifungals.pdf
- Antiphospholipid Syndrome.pdf
- Antivirals.pdf
- Aortic Dissection.pdf
- Approach To ABG Analysis.pdf
- Approach To Poisoning.pdf
- Arterial Blood Gases.pdf
- Ascites.pdf
- Ascitic Fluid.pdf
- Aspiration Syndromes.pdf
- Asthma.pdf
- Autoimmune Markers.pdf
- Bacteraemia.pdf
- Bacterial Meningitis - Directed Therapy.pdf
- Bacterial Meningitis 1.pdf
- Bacterial Meningitis 2.pdf
- Beta Lactams.pdf
- Biochemical Abnormalities Associated With Specific Conditions.pdf
- Biochemistry Tests.pdf
- Blood Film Abnormalities.pdf
- Blood Supply Of The Heart.pdf
- Blood Transfusion Therapy.pdf
- Bone & Joint Infections.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - Cardiac Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - GI Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - Infectious Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - Neurological Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - Pulmonary Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant - Renal Complications.pdf
- Bone Marrow Transplant-Related TTP.pdf
- Botulism.pdf
- Brain Abscess.pdf
- Brain Death.pdf
- Breathing Circuits.pdf
- Bronchoscopy.pdf
- CAPD Peritonitis.pdf
- COPD.pdf
- CRP.pdf
- CSF.pdf
- CT Abdomen.pdf
- CT Chest Abnormalities.pdf
- CVC Techniques.pdf
- CVP Monitoring.pdf
- CXR Abnormalities.pdf
- CXR.pdf
- Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose.pdf
- Calcium Disorders.pdf
- Capnography.pdf
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.pdf
- Cardiac Dysrhythmias.pdf
- Cardiac Output Monitoring.pdf
- Cardiac Physiology.pdf
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.pdf
- Causes Of Fever In The ICU.pdf
- Cerebral Neoplasm.pdf
- Cerebral Oedema.pdf
- Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosi.pdf
- Cholecystitis.pdf
- Clinical Features Of DKA & HONK.pdf
- Clinical Features Of Thyroid Storm.pdf
- Coagulase Negative Staph.pdf
- Coagulation Test Findings In Pathological Conditions.pdf
- Coagulation Tests.pdf
- Coma.pdf
- Common Bacteria.pdf
- Community Acquired Pneumonia 1.pdf
- Community Acquired Pneumonia 2.pdf
- Complications Of Acute Myocardial Infarction.pdf
- Conduction Disturbances.pdf
- Conns Syndrome.pdf
- Contrast Induced Nephropathy.pdf
- Corticosteroids In Sepsis.pdf
- Cushing's Syndrome.pdf
- DIC.pdf
- Deep Vein Thrombosis.pdf
- Defibrillation.pdf
- Diabetes Insipidus.pdf
- Diagnosis Of Sepsis.pdf
- Diagnostic Use Of Procalcitonin.pdf
- Diagrams Of Renal Replacement Modes.pdf
- Diarrhoea In Critical Illness.pdf
- Differential Diagnosis Of Biochemical Abnormalities.pdf
- Digoxin.pdf
- ECG Abnormalities.pdf
- ECMO.pdf
- ED Thoracotomy.pdf
- EEG.pdf
- Ectopic Pregnancy.pdf
- Emergent Valvular Disorders.pdf
- Endocarditis.pdf
- Endotracheal Tubes.pdf
- Enteral Nutrition.pdf
- Enterobacter.pdf
- Enterococcus.pdf
- Envenomation.pdf
- Epidural Abscess.pdf
- Epidurals.pdf
- Ethanol, Methanol & Ethylene Glycol Intoxications.pdf
- Examination Of The Comatose Patient.pdf
- Failed Airway Techniques.pdf
- Fastrach LMA.pdf
- Fat Embolism.pdf
- Fluoroquinolones.pdf
- Fulminant Hepatic Failure.pdf
- Fungal Infections.pdf
- GCS.pdf
- Glutamine.pdf
- Glycopeptides.pdf
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome.pdf
- HIV.pdf
- Haematological Investigations.pdf
- Haematological Malignancy.pdf
- Haemodynamic Effects Of Ventilation.pdf
- Haemodynamic Monitoring.pdf
- Haemoptysis.pdf
- Head Injury.pdf
- Heart Transplant.pdf
- Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia.pdf
- Hepatopulmonary Syndrome.pdf
- High Frequency Jet Ventilation.pdf
- Hormonal Responses To Critical Illness.pdf
- Hospital Acquired Pneumonia.pdf
- Humidification & Inhalational Therapy.pdf
- Hyperbaric Oxygen.pdf
- Hyperkalaemia Treatments.pdf
- Hyperkalaemia.pdf
- Hypernatraemia.pdf
- Hyperphosphataemia.pdf
- Hypertensive Emergencies In Pregnancy.pdf
- Hyperthermia.pdf
- Hypoglycaemia.pdf
- Hypokalaemia.pdf
- Hyponatraemia.pdf
- Hypophosphataemia.pdf
- Hypopituitarism.pdf
- Hypothermia.pdf
- Hypoxic Brain Injury.pdf
- ICP Monitoring.pdf
- ICU Acquired Weakness.pdf
- ICU Management Of Abdominal Trauma.pdf
- Ileus.pdf
- Important Gaps.pdf
- Indications For Cardiac Surgery.pdf
- Infectious Gastroenteritis - Bacterial.pdf
- Infectious Gastroenteritis - Protozoa.pdf
- Influenza.pdf
- Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump - Waveforms.pdf
- Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump.pdf
- Intraabdominal Infections.pdf
- Intracerebral Haemorrhage.pdf
- Ischaemic Stroke.pdf
- Joint Fluid.pdf
- Ketoacidosis.pdf
- Klebsiella.pdf
- Lactic Acidosis.pdf
- Lacunar Syndromes.pdf
- Laryngeal & Tracheal Injury.pdf
- Laryngeal Mask Airway.pdf
- Laryngoscopes.pdf
- Legionella.pdf
- Levels Of Evidence.pdf
- Levosimendan.pdf
- Life Threatening Acute Cutaneous Drug Reactions.pdf
- Linezolid.pdf
- Lithium Overdose.pdf
- Liver Transplant.pdf
- Lower Gi Bleeding.pdf
- Ludwigs Angina.pdf
- Lung Transplant.pdf
- Macrolides.pdf
- Magnesium Disorders.pdf
- Malaria.pdf
- Malignant Hyperthermia.pdf
- Management Of Intracranial Hypertension.pdf
- Management Of Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
- Mechanical Ventilation.pdf
- Mechanisms Of Antimicrobial Resistance.pdf
- Mechanisms Of Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
- Mesenteric Ischaemia.pdf
- Metabolic Acidosis.pdf
- Metabolic Alkalosis.pdf
- Metabolic Responses To Critical Illness.pdf
- Micronutrients.pdf
- Minnesota & Sengstaken Blakemore Tubes.pdf
- More Haemodynamic Monitoring.pdf
- Motor Neuron Disease.pdf
- Multiresistant Bacteria.pdf
- Myaesthenia Gravis.pdf
- Myocarditis.pdf
- Myxoedema Coma Features & Diagnosis.pdf
- Myxoedema Coma Treatment.pdf
- NSAIDs.pdf
- Necrotising Fasciitis.pdf
- Needlestick Injuries.pdf
- Nephrolithiasis.pdf
- Neurocritical Care.pdf
- Neuroimaging.pdf
- Neuromuscular Causes Of Acute Respiratory Failure.pdf
- Non Cardiogenic Causes Of Pulmonary Oedema.pdf
- Normal Anion Gap Acidoses.pdf
- Nosocomial Infections.pdf
- Nutrition.pdf
- Nutritional Status & Metabolic Requirement Assessment.pdf
- Obesity In Critical Illness.pdf
- Oesophageal Balloon Tamponade Tubes.pdf
- Opioids.pdf
- Organ Toxicity Of Chemotherapy.pdf
- Organophosphate Poisoning.pdf
- Oropharyngeal & Nasopharyngeal Airways.pdf
- Other Airway Devices.pdf
- Other Antidepressant Overdoses.pdf
- Other Specific Infections.pdf
- Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.pdf
- Overdrive Pacing.pdf
- Oxygen Therapy.pdf
- PID.pdf
- Pacing Wire Insertion.pdf
- Paracetamol Overdose.pdf
- Parenteral Nutrition.pdf
- Pathophysiology Of Sepsis.pdf
- Patient Ventilator Interaction.pdf
- Pelvic X Rays.pdf
- Percutaneous Tracheostomy.pdf
- Pericardial Disease.pdf
- Periodic Paralysis.pdf
- Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.pdf
- Peripheral Arterial Disease & Embolism.pdf
- Peripheral IV Cannulae.pdf
- Phaeochromocytoma.pdf
- Physiology Of Normal Pregnancy.pdf
- Physiotherapy.pdf
- Plasma Exchange.pdf
- Pleural Disease.pdf
- Pleural Drainage Systems.pdf
- Pleural Fluid.pdf
- Pneumonia In The Immunocompromised Patient.pdf
- Portal Hypertension.pdf
- Portopulmonary Hypertension And Hepatopulmonary Syndrome.pdf
- Pre Existing Disease In Pregnant Women.pdf
- Pregnant Trauma Patient.pdf
- Pressure Areas.pdf
- Pressure Transduction Devices.pdf
- Prevention Of Antimicrobial Resistance In ICU.pdf
- Prevention Of CVC Infections.pdf
- Principles Of Trauma Assessment.pdf
- Prognosis After Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
- Protozoans, Parasites & Rickettsieae.pdf
- Pseudomembranous Colitis.pdf
- Pseudomonas.pdf
- Psychiatric Aspects Of Suicide.pdf
- Pulmonary Artery Catheter.pdf
- Pulmonary Embolism In Pregnancy.pdf
- Pulmonary Embolism.pdf
- Pulmonary Hypertension.pdf
- Pulmonary Mechanics.pdf
- Pulmonary Oedema.pdf
- Pulse Oximetry.pdf
- Renal Replacement Therapy.pdf
- Respiratory Acidosis.pdf
- Respiratory Alkalosis.pdf
- Respiratory Failure In Pregnancy.pdf
- Respiratory Function Tests.pdf
- Respiratory Physiology.pdf
- Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome.pdf
- Rhabdomyolysis.pdf
- SIADH.pdf
- Sedative Hypnotics.pdf
- Seizures In The Critically Ill.pdf
- Selective Digestive Decontamination.pdf
- Sepsis & Coagulation.pdf
- Sepsis & Inflammation.pdf
- Septic Shock In Pregnancy.pdf
- Shock.pdf
- Skin & Soft Tissue Infections.pdf
- Specific Overdoses 1.pdf
- Specific Overdoses 2.pdf
- Specific Problems In The Poisoned Patient.pdf
- Spinal Cord Injury.pdf
- Spinal Injury.pdf
- Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis.pdf
- Staph Aureus.pdf
- Statistics.pdf
- Stem Cell Transplant Complications.pdf
- Stenotrophomonas.pdf
- Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.pdf
- Sudden Cardiac Death.pdf
- Summary Of Antibacterials 1.pdf
- Summary Of Antibacterials 2.pdf
- Supraventricular Arrhythmias.pdf
- Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2008.pdf
- Systemic Candidiasis.pdf
- Systemic Toxicity Of Local Anaesthetics.pdf
- TRALI.pdf
- TTP.pdf
- TURP Syndrome.pdf
- Temperature Measurement.pdf
- Temporary Epicardial Pacemakers.pdf
- Temporary Epicardial Pacing Modes.pdf
- Tetanus.pdf
- The Immunosuppressed Patient.pdf
- The Neutropenic Cancer Patient.pdf
- Theophylline & Other Methyxanthines.pdf
- Thoracic Trauma.pdf
- Toxic Shock Syndrome.pdf
- Transfusion Reactions & Massive Transfusions.pdf
- Treatment Of HHS & DKA.pdf
- Treatment Of Sepsis.pdf
- Treatment Of Severe Heart Failure.pdf
- Treatment Of Thyroid Storm.pdf
- Tricyclic Overdose.pdf
- Troponin In Critical Illness.pdf
- Troubleshooting Temporary Pacemakers.pdf
- Tuberculosis.pdf
- Tumour Lysis Syndrome.pdf
- Types Of Studies.pdf
- Upper Gi Bleeding.pdf
- Urine.pdf
- Use Of Bicarbonate.pdf
- VAP Diagnosis.pdf
- VAP Prophylaxis.pdf
- Ventilator Waveform Analysis.pdf
- Ventricular Assist Devices.pdf
- Viral Infections Of The CNS.pdf
- Wide Complex Rhythms.pdf
- Wolf-Parkinson-White.pdf
- _ReadMe.rtf
- error_log
If any factual errors are found in any exam resource, please contact me from the footer below.
Please note that Intensive Care is an evolving science and that any current guideline or therapy may change over time. It is always up to individual clinicians to interpret any information presented above in the context of current best practice.
Please distribute this link if you find these files useful.
This page was last updated on Friday, 01 June 2018 13:10:18
All the mind maps can be downloaded as a large single file using the button below.
(59Mb Archive)
These and many other resources are used for teaching on the Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course