Wellington Intensive Care Unit

Te Rui Atawhai

The Wellington Intensive Care Medicine course uses these and other resources. Please see here for details.


These 355 mind maps were developed by Wellington ICU's Dr.Paul Young as a study aid for the Fellowship of the College of Intensive Care Medicine and cover most of the college curriculum.

They have since gone on to be used by Wellington trainees studying for the part II exam.

They are offered here as a free educational aid for others studying for Intensive Care exams & are provided without guarantee or liability.

Intensive Care Mind Map Education Resources
All files are presented in Adobe PDF format.

Please click on the named link below to view or download the appropriate mind map.
  1. ARDS.pdf
  2. Abdominal Trauma Assessment.pdf
  3. Abdominal USS.pdf
  4. Abdominal X-Ray.pdf
  5. Abnormal Ventilator Waveforms.pdf
  6. Acidosis In Renal Disease.pdf
  7. Acinetobacter.pdf
  8. Acute Coronary Syndromes.pdf
  9. Acute Pancreatitis.pdf
  10. Acute Renal Failure.pdf
  11. Acute Right Ventricular Dysfunction.pdf
  12. Additional Indices In Analysis Of Metabolic Acidosis.pdf
  13. Adjunctive Respiratory Therapies.pdf
  14. Adjunctive Therapies To Improve Oxygenation & Ventilation.pdf
  15. Adrenal Insufficiency In Sepsis & Septic Shock.pdf
  16. Adrenocortical Insufficiency.pdf
  17. Aetiology Of Specific Infections.pdf
  18. Air Embolism.pdf
  19. Airway Maintenance & Bag Mask Ventilation.pdf
  20. Airway Obstruction.pdf
  21. Airway Problems In Pregnancy.pdf
  22. Alcohol Withdrawal.pdf
  23. Alcoholic Ketoacidosis.pdf
  24. Aminoglycosides.pdf
  25. Amniotic Fluid Embolism.pdf
  26. Anaemia & Transfusion In Critical Illness.pdf
  27. Anaphylaxis.pdf
  28. Angioedema.pdf
  29. Antibiotic Allergy.pdf
  30. Antidotes.pdf
  31. Antifungals.pdf
  32. Antiphospholipid Syndrome.pdf
  33. Antivirals.pdf
  34. Aortic Dissection.pdf
  35. Approach To ABG Analysis.pdf
  36. Approach To Poisoning.pdf
  37. Arterial Blood Gases.pdf
  38. Ascites.pdf
  39. Ascitic Fluid.pdf
  40. Aspiration Syndromes.pdf
  41. Asthma.pdf
  42. Autoimmune Markers.pdf
  43. Bacteraemia.pdf
  44. Bacterial Meningitis - Directed Therapy.pdf
  45. Bacterial Meningitis 1.pdf
  46. Bacterial Meningitis 2.pdf
  47. Beta Lactams.pdf
  48. Biochemical Abnormalities Associated With Specific Conditions.pdf
  49. Biochemistry Tests.pdf
  50. Blood Film Abnormalities.pdf
  51. Blood Supply Of The Heart.pdf
  52. Blood Transfusion Therapy.pdf
  53. Bone & Joint Infections.pdf
  54. Bone Marrow Transplant - Cardiac Complications.pdf
  55. Bone Marrow Transplant - GI Complications.pdf
  56. Bone Marrow Transplant - Infectious Complications.pdf
  57. Bone Marrow Transplant - Neurological Complications.pdf
  58. Bone Marrow Transplant - Pulmonary Complications.pdf
  59. Bone Marrow Transplant - Renal Complications.pdf
  60. Bone Marrow Transplant-Related TTP.pdf
  61. Botulism.pdf
  62. Brain Abscess.pdf
  63. Brain Death.pdf
  64. Breathing Circuits.pdf
  65. Bronchoscopy.pdf
  66. CAPD Peritonitis.pdf
  67. COPD.pdf
  68. CRP.pdf
  69. CSF.pdf
  70. CT Abdomen.pdf
  71. CT Chest Abnormalities.pdf
  72. CVC Techniques.pdf
  73. CVP Monitoring.pdf
  74. CXR Abnormalities.pdf
  75. CXR.pdf
  76. Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose.pdf
  77. Calcium Disorders.pdf
  78. Capnography.pdf
  79. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.pdf
  80. Cardiac Dysrhythmias.pdf
  81. Cardiac Output Monitoring.pdf
  82. Cardiac Physiology.pdf
  83. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.pdf
  84. Causes Of Fever In The ICU.pdf
  85. Cerebral Neoplasm.pdf
  86. Cerebral Oedema.pdf
  87. Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosi.pdf
  88. Cholecystitis.pdf
  89. Clinical Features Of DKA & HONK.pdf
  90. Clinical Features Of Thyroid Storm.pdf
  91. Coagulase Negative Staph.pdf
  92. Coagulation Test Findings In Pathological Conditions.pdf
  93. Coagulation Tests.pdf
  94. Coma.pdf
  95. Common Bacteria.pdf
  96. Community Acquired Pneumonia 1.pdf
  97. Community Acquired Pneumonia 2.pdf
  98. Complications Of Acute Myocardial Infarction.pdf
  99. Conduction Disturbances.pdf
  100. Conns Syndrome.pdf
  101. Contrast Induced Nephropathy.pdf
  102. Corticosteroids In Sepsis.pdf
  103. Cushing's Syndrome.pdf
  104. DIC.pdf
  105. Deep Vein Thrombosis.pdf
  106. Defibrillation.pdf
  107. Diabetes Insipidus.pdf
  108. Diagnosis Of Sepsis.pdf
  109. Diagnostic Use Of Procalcitonin.pdf
  110. Diagrams Of Renal Replacement Modes.pdf
  111. Diarrhoea In Critical Illness.pdf
  112. Differential Diagnosis Of Biochemical Abnormalities.pdf
  113. Digoxin.pdf
  114. ECG Abnormalities.pdf
  115. ECMO.pdf
  116. ED Thoracotomy.pdf
  117. EEG.pdf
  118. Ectopic Pregnancy.pdf
  119. Emergent Valvular Disorders.pdf
  120. Endocarditis.pdf
  121. Endotracheal Tubes.pdf
  122. Enteral Nutrition.pdf
  123. Enterobacter.pdf
  124. Enterococcus.pdf
  125. Envenomation.pdf
  126. Epidural Abscess.pdf
  127. Epidurals.pdf
  128. Ethanol, Methanol & Ethylene Glycol Intoxications.pdf
  129. Examination Of The Comatose Patient.pdf
  130. Failed Airway Techniques.pdf
  131. Fastrach LMA.pdf
  132. Fat Embolism.pdf
  133. Fluoroquinolones.pdf
  134. Fulminant Hepatic Failure.pdf
  135. Fungal Infections.pdf
  136. GCS.pdf
  137. Glutamine.pdf
  138. Glycopeptides.pdf
  139. Guillain-Barre Syndrome.pdf
  140. HIV.pdf
  141. Haematological Investigations.pdf
  142. Haematological Malignancy.pdf
  143. Haemodynamic Effects Of Ventilation.pdf
  144. Haemodynamic Monitoring.pdf
  145. Haemoptysis.pdf
  146. Head Injury.pdf
  147. Heart Transplant.pdf
  148. Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia.pdf
  149. Hepatopulmonary Syndrome.pdf
  150. High Frequency Jet Ventilation.pdf
  151. Hormonal Responses To Critical Illness.pdf
  152. Hospital Acquired Pneumonia.pdf
  153. Humidification & Inhalational Therapy.pdf
  154. Hyperbaric Oxygen.pdf
  155. Hyperkalaemia Treatments.pdf
  156. Hyperkalaemia.pdf
  157. Hypernatraemia.pdf
  158. Hyperphosphataemia.pdf
  159. Hypertensive Emergencies In Pregnancy.pdf
  160. Hyperthermia.pdf
  161. Hypoglycaemia.pdf
  162. Hypokalaemia.pdf
  163. Hyponatraemia.pdf
  164. Hypophosphataemia.pdf
  165. Hypopituitarism.pdf
  166. Hypothermia.pdf
  167. Hypoxic Brain Injury.pdf
  168. ICP Monitoring.pdf
  169. ICU Acquired Weakness.pdf
  170. ICU Management Of Abdominal Trauma.pdf
  171. Ileus.pdf
  172. Important Gaps.pdf
  173. Indications For Cardiac Surgery.pdf
  174. Infectious Gastroenteritis - Bacterial.pdf
  175. Infectious Gastroenteritis - Protozoa.pdf
  176. Influenza.pdf
  177. Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump - Waveforms.pdf
  178. Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump.pdf
  179. Intraabdominal Infections.pdf
  180. Intracerebral Haemorrhage.pdf
  181. Ischaemic Stroke.pdf
  182. Joint Fluid.pdf
  183. Ketoacidosis.pdf
  184. Klebsiella.pdf
  185. Lactic Acidosis.pdf
  186. Lacunar Syndromes.pdf
  187. Laryngeal & Tracheal Injury.pdf
  188. Laryngeal Mask Airway.pdf
  189. Laryngoscopes.pdf
  190. Legionella.pdf
  191. Levels Of Evidence.pdf
  192. Levosimendan.pdf
  193. Life Threatening Acute Cutaneous Drug Reactions.pdf
  194. Linezolid.pdf
  195. Lithium Overdose.pdf
  196. Liver Transplant.pdf
  197. Lower Gi Bleeding.pdf
  198. Ludwigs Angina.pdf
  199. Lung Transplant.pdf
  200. Macrolides.pdf
  201. Magnesium Disorders.pdf
  202. Malaria.pdf
  203. Malignant Hyperthermia.pdf
  204. Management Of Intracranial Hypertension.pdf
  205. Management Of Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
  206. Mechanical Ventilation.pdf
  207. Mechanisms Of Antimicrobial Resistance.pdf
  208. Mechanisms Of Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
  209. Mesenteric Ischaemia.pdf
  210. Metabolic Acidosis.pdf
  211. Metabolic Alkalosis.pdf
  212. Metabolic Responses To Critical Illness.pdf
  213. Micronutrients.pdf
  214. Minnesota & Sengstaken Blakemore Tubes.pdf
  215. More Haemodynamic Monitoring.pdf
  216. Motor Neuron Disease.pdf
  217. Multiresistant Bacteria.pdf
  218. Myaesthenia Gravis.pdf
  219. Myocarditis.pdf
  220. Myxoedema Coma Features & Diagnosis.pdf
  221. Myxoedema Coma Treatment.pdf
  222. NSAIDs.pdf
  223. Necrotising Fasciitis.pdf
  224. Needlestick Injuries.pdf
  225. Nephrolithiasis.pdf
  226. Neurocritical Care.pdf
  227. Neuroimaging.pdf
  228. Neuromuscular Causes Of Acute Respiratory Failure.pdf
  229. Non Cardiogenic Causes Of Pulmonary Oedema.pdf
  230. Normal Anion Gap Acidoses.pdf
  231. Nosocomial Infections.pdf
  232. Nutrition.pdf
  233. Nutritional Status & Metabolic Requirement Assessment.pdf
  234. Obesity In Critical Illness.pdf
  235. Oesophageal Balloon Tamponade Tubes.pdf
  236. Opioids.pdf
  237. Organ Toxicity Of Chemotherapy.pdf
  238. Organophosphate Poisoning.pdf
  239. Oropharyngeal & Nasopharyngeal Airways.pdf
  240. Other Airway Devices.pdf
  241. Other Antidepressant Overdoses.pdf
  242. Other Specific Infections.pdf
  243. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.pdf
  244. Overdrive Pacing.pdf
  245. Oxygen Therapy.pdf
  246. PID.pdf
  247. Pacing Wire Insertion.pdf
  248. Paracetamol Overdose.pdf
  249. Parenteral Nutrition.pdf
  250. Pathophysiology Of Sepsis.pdf
  251. Patient Ventilator Interaction.pdf
  252. Pelvic X Rays.pdf
  253. Percutaneous Tracheostomy.pdf
  254. Pericardial Disease.pdf
  255. Periodic Paralysis.pdf
  256. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.pdf
  257. Peripheral Arterial Disease & Embolism.pdf
  258. Peripheral IV Cannulae.pdf
  259. Phaeochromocytoma.pdf
  260. Physiology Of Normal Pregnancy.pdf
  261. Physiotherapy.pdf
  262. Plasma Exchange.pdf
  263. Pleural Disease.pdf
  264. Pleural Drainage Systems.pdf
  265. Pleural Fluid.pdf
  266. Pneumonia In The Immunocompromised Patient.pdf
  267. Portal Hypertension.pdf
  268. Portopulmonary Hypertension And Hepatopulmonary Syndrome.pdf
  269. Pre Existing Disease In Pregnant Women.pdf
  270. Pregnant Trauma Patient.pdf
  271. Pressure Areas.pdf
  272. Pressure Transduction Devices.pdf
  273. Prevention Of Antimicrobial Resistance In ICU.pdf
  274. Prevention Of CVC Infections.pdf
  275. Principles Of Trauma Assessment.pdf
  276. Prognosis After Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
  277. Protozoans, Parasites & Rickettsieae.pdf
  278. Pseudomembranous Colitis.pdf
  279. Pseudomonas.pdf
  280. Psychiatric Aspects Of Suicide.pdf
  281. Pulmonary Artery Catheter.pdf
  282. Pulmonary Embolism In Pregnancy.pdf
  283. Pulmonary Embolism.pdf
  284. Pulmonary Hypertension.pdf
  285. Pulmonary Mechanics.pdf
  286. Pulmonary Oedema.pdf
  287. Pulse Oximetry.pdf
  288. Renal Replacement Therapy.pdf
  289. Respiratory Acidosis.pdf
  290. Respiratory Alkalosis.pdf
  291. Respiratory Failure In Pregnancy.pdf
  292. Respiratory Function Tests.pdf
  293. Respiratory Physiology.pdf
  294. Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome.pdf
  295. Rhabdomyolysis.pdf
  296. SIADH.pdf
  297. Sedative Hypnotics.pdf
  298. Seizures In The Critically Ill.pdf
  299. Selective Digestive Decontamination.pdf
  300. Sepsis & Coagulation.pdf
  301. Sepsis & Inflammation.pdf
  302. Septic Shock In Pregnancy.pdf
  303. Shock.pdf
  304. Skin & Soft Tissue Infections.pdf
  305. Specific Overdoses 1.pdf
  306. Specific Overdoses 2.pdf
  307. Specific Problems In The Poisoned Patient.pdf
  308. Spinal Cord Injury.pdf
  309. Spinal Injury.pdf
  310. Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis.pdf
  311. Staph Aureus.pdf
  312. Statistics.pdf
  313. Stem Cell Transplant Complications.pdf
  314. Stenotrophomonas.pdf
  315. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.pdf
  316. Sudden Cardiac Death.pdf
  317. Summary Of Antibacterials 1.pdf
  318. Summary Of Antibacterials 2.pdf
  319. Supraventricular Arrhythmias.pdf
  320. Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2008.pdf
  321. Systemic Candidiasis.pdf
  322. Systemic Toxicity Of Local Anaesthetics.pdf
  323. TRALI.pdf
  324. TTP.pdf
  325. TURP Syndrome.pdf
  326. Temperature Measurement.pdf
  327. Temporary Epicardial Pacemakers.pdf
  328. Temporary Epicardial Pacing Modes.pdf
  329. Tetanus.pdf
  330. The Immunosuppressed Patient.pdf
  331. The Neutropenic Cancer Patient.pdf
  332. Theophylline & Other Methyxanthines.pdf
  333. Thoracic Trauma.pdf
  334. Toxic Shock Syndrome.pdf
  335. Transfusion Reactions & Massive Transfusions.pdf
  336. Treatment Of HHS & DKA.pdf
  337. Treatment Of Sepsis.pdf
  338. Treatment Of Severe Heart Failure.pdf
  339. Treatment Of Thyroid Storm.pdf
  340. Tricyclic Overdose.pdf
  341. Troponin In Critical Illness.pdf
  342. Troubleshooting Temporary Pacemakers.pdf
  343. Tuberculosis.pdf
  344. Tumour Lysis Syndrome.pdf
  345. Types Of Studies.pdf
  346. Upper Gi Bleeding.pdf
  347. Urine.pdf
  348. Use Of Bicarbonate.pdf
  349. VAP Diagnosis.pdf
  350. VAP Prophylaxis.pdf
  351. Ventilator Waveform Analysis.pdf
  352. Ventricular Assist Devices.pdf
  353. Viral Infections Of The CNS.pdf
  354. Wide Complex Rhythms.pdf
  355. Wolf-Parkinson-White.pdf
  356. _ReadMe.rtf
  357. error_log

If any factual errors are found in any exam resource, please contact me from the footer below.

Please note that Intensive Care is an evolving science and that any current guideline or therapy may change over time. It is always up to individual clinicians to interpret any information presented above in the context of current best practice.

Please distribute this link if you find these files useful.

This page was last updated on Friday, 01 June 2018 13:10:18

All the mind maps can be downloaded as a large single file using the button below.
(59Mb Archive)

These and many other resources are used for teaching on the Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course

The Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course