The Wellington Intensive Care Medicine Course will be held in Wellington Regional Hospital over 3 days from Thursday 15th to Saturday the 17th of March 2012.
It is aimed at College of Intensive Care Medicine trainees who will be sitting the clinical component of the exam in May 2012 or who are intending to sit the written exam in the following 12-18 months.
The course will include lectures from senior Intensivists, training in exam technique from recent successful candidates, and practice vivas & clinical hot cases from within Wellington ICU.
It is aimed at College of Intensive Care Medicine trainees who will be sitting the clinical component of the exam in May 2012 or who are intending to sit the written exam in the following 12-18 months.
The course will include lectures from senior Intensivists, training in exam technique from recent successful candidates, and practice vivas & clinical hot cases from within Wellington ICU.
Dr.Neil Orford
MBBS FCICM FANZCA PGDip EchoNeil is the Director of Intensive Care at The Geelong Hospital in Victoria, Australia. He is also one of the founder members of Crit-IQ & is a returning speaker, having taught on the first Wellington ICM course.
Dr.Carole Foot
MBBS(Hons) FACEM FCICM MScCarole is an Intensivist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, the Course Director of the Consultant Intensivist Transition Course, and one of the authors of the new second edition of Examination Intensive Care Medicine, the essential FCICM exam text.
Dr.Liz Steel
BMedSci MBChB(Hons) MRCP FCICMLiz is a Staff Intensive Care Specialist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. She is also the New Fellows Representative on the Board of the College of Intensive Care Medicine, co-author of the new second edition of Examination Intensive Care Medicine, and one of the founding members of the Intensive Care Network website, the free online educational resource for all clinicians working in Intensive Care.
Dr.Manoj Saxena
MBChB BSc(Hons) MRCP FRACP FCICMManoj is an Intensive Care Specialist at the St.George Hospital in Sydney and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health in Sydney, recently ranked the #1 research institute in the world for scientific impact. He is an examiner for the College of Intensive Care Medicine.
Teaching will be in 2 streams, depending on whether candidates are post or pre-written exam:
STREAM 1: Post-Written Exam
Lectures + Hot Cases + Vivas
STREAM 2: Pre-Written Exam
Lectures + Observing Stream 1
The course is co-ordinated by the Wellington Intensive Care Administrator, Fiona Wild, who can be contacted on
+64 4 806 0441 or by emailing

Information regarding accommodation close to the course venue is available (a printable copy is included on page two of the registration form which can be downloaded below).
Information on the location of Wellington Regional Hospital can be found HERE.
Information on the location of Wellington Regional Hospital can be found HERE.
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